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So I'm Megan. I'm a Media Studies student, so one of my blogs shall be dedicated to the production of my work. I've taken Media Studies (obviously), Psychology, English Language and Photography.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Preliminary - Final

Front cover:

This is my final cover composition. I'm happy with it, as I believe it looks quite professional and fills all of the aims I needed it to. As you can tell, I took the results from the questionnaire into consideration, using the suggested colour scheme and making the magazine free.
I feel than if I wanted to improve it, I'd add more things to the page. I didn't want to overcrowd the cover, but there is quite a lot more space than I had intended.
If I could have, I'd definitely have used a different model!
I tried to make the theme flow on from the cover, with the titles using the same text, making it easier for receivers to find the articles that they want to read that are featured.
I wanted to put a preview of the next week to keep the reader interested, and I like how it turned out, the image fits perfectly.
With the editors note, I would make sure to have a 'hand' signature after the note, this connects with the reader on a more personal level.
As you can see, this page is unfinished so I would complete it.

School Magazine - Images

From my questionnaire results, I have formulated some front cover plans.

I designed three different covers by hand, and then from this took my favourite design to enlarge.

As my questionnaire results had concluded that readers would want a posed photo, I've come up with a main headline of 'Hate Exams?' and then based the models pose around this.

This is the image I decided on:

I'm the model, as no one would pose for me.
The image has only had some slight editing, such as the removal of spots, and correction of the necklace. Unfortunately, I've lost the orignal image to show you what changes I have made.

Preliminary cover ideas - pencil drafts

Monday 22 November 2010

Preliminary Research

In order to make a school magazine that my target audience would like, I created a questionnaire to find out what they would want from it.
Below are screenshots of my questionnaire that I wrote.

(Click to enlarge)

I collected data from the relevant audience, and found that the following results occured:

  1. Genre
    Out of the three options, 'Student Information and News' proved the most popular.

  2. Price
    The result of this proved quite straight forward, as almost all responses were '£0 - £1'

  3. Consumers
    Most of my target auidence read magazines weekly, however I found that everyone who took my questionnaire wanted the school magazine to be monthly.

  4. Attractions
    The result of my questionnaire indicate that the leading factor to attracting an audience is the overall front cover, particularly the image and the article titles.

  5. Front Cover Image
    I gave four options for a cover image; In uniform, posed or relaxed, or Non uniform, posed or relaxed. I found that most people wanted an image composed of posing students, not in uniform. The second most popular being in uniform, and relaxed.

  6. Colour Scheme
    The most popular colours proved to be Black, White and Green.

  7. Features
    I offered the questionnaire participants the option of five different special features to the magazine. Out of Horoscopes, Fashion, Reviews, Local News and Puzzles, most preffered reviews with the only other two options that had been chosen as Horoscopes and Puzzles.

  8. Contributions
    All of my target audience wanted student and teacher contributions to the magazines to be possible, so I will make sure to mention this in my magazine.

  9. Magazine Title
    I asked whether my audience would prefer the title to be of more serious origin, such as 'FSG Updates' or laid-back like 'Girls Weekly' and found that a more laid-back approach was favoured.